Students who have grievances are advised to write
only to The Director of AIILA, giving their Name, Enrolment
Number, Course of study etc., in the format provided Annexure-V for
speedy Redressal. The students are advised not to write
to any other officials of the AIILA regarding any Grievance.
Any dispute arising in any or all matters including
admission, sending of study materials, personal contact
program, Examination, remittance of fees, etc., the
aggrieved shall send a written Representation to the
Director of AIILA for action and he shall alone have
jurisdiction over subject on all said disputes / claims
in course of activities of Institution.
All disputes relating to admission, study, Examination,
issue of results,marks statements certificates and
etc etc are governed by Civil Laws andCivil Courts
only subject to Hyderabad Jurisdiction.
For all said purposes, this Institution shall always
sue & be sued – upon represented by its Director
and thus no such legal proceedings shall be against
any other Authorities / Officials of the AIILA.
AIILA reserves the right to alter, add, interpret
any of the provisions contained in the Prospectus /
Information Brochure / Website, and it cannot be quoted
for any sanction.
Not with standing the information given in the Prospectus
/ Information Brochure / Website, the AIILA has the
ultimate right to decide any issue as per its rules
and regulations.
AIILA or the Director or the Examinations Incharge
are not responsible for the loss of or delay in the
delivery of postal articles including original Titles,
Diplomas or Certificates sent by the Directorate of